Thursday, May 29, 2008



When you get LASIK surgery your surgeon will give you specific instructions recovery. These guidelines include a list of things to be avoided during the recovery procedure. It is very important that you follow your surgeon instructions exactly as you might end up hurting your eyes or slowing down the recovery process.

There are some things your surgeon tell you precisely not to do so. You should avoid these activities in accordance with the instructions. The main reason for the recovery of instructions you give the surgeon is due to the nature of LASIK surgery.

When surgery is preformed your cornea, the clear part of your eye, a flap cut it so that the surgeon can use the laser through this pain on the area to reshape the cornea. The component is simply put back on the cornea without being insured in any way. If left unharmed, the flap will heal naturally in place. However, if the flap is disturbed during the healing process, it could offend, or rip move which could lead not cure properly in place. This would then cause vision problems. Thus, it is easy to see why the surgeon will tell you some things you should avoid during your recovery.

Your doctor will tell you to avoid contact sports. The reason is that during contact sports, it is very possible that someone or something might come into contact with the eye. This could cause pain or damage to the cornea healing. You are likely to be limited to three days after surgery.

Your doctor will also tell you not to all activities that involve dust or debris floating. The reason is that dust or debris could get into your eye and cause damage or irritation, perhaps even infection. Things like gardening, yard work and even wear makeup eyes fall into this category. This restriction is generally for seven days after surgery.

Your doctor tells you to wear protective eye wear when you sleep. The reason is that we do not know when to sleep and you could easily rub or scratch the eye that could cause damage. This will be a restriction for four weeks after surgery.

It tells you to avoid physical activity that could lead to heavy sweating and wearing a headband with light. This helps keep sweat from entering the eye and cause irritation. It is a restriction of four weeks after surgery.

Finally, your surgeon will tell you to avoid swimming and other water activities like water can be particularly dangerous for the healing of eyes. You will be reserved for six weeks following surgery.

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